Checking your Syncing Status

This article runs through how to check the sync status of both the overall application state and a specific Shift Record

When on-site you may be in a remote area, underground, or have limited internet connectivity. Our native app allows you to collect data offline, including signatures and images. When a connection is available, data collected is "synced" to the cloud.

This process is indicated using two concepts.

  1. App Status

  2. Record Status

This article runs through how to check the sync status of both the overall application state and a specific Shift Record.

Checking The Syncing Status Of The Overall Application State:

To check the syncing status of the overall application state, follow these steps:

  1. Click on your list of Projects

  2. Click on the 'Projects' banner to the top of the screen

Checking The Syncing Status Of A Shift Record:

To check the syncing status of a Shift Record, follow these steps:

  1. Click into the Project the Shift Record is for

  2. Click on the specific Shift Record

  3. Click on the Project name at the top of the Shift Record screen

Reloading Your Project Configuration/ Datasources:

Occasionally, you may need to manually reload the configuration of your Project and its Datasources. To do so, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the relevant Project

  2. Click on 'Project Information' to the top of the screen

  3. Scroll down until you see a space for 'Configuration'

  4. Under 'Configuration', click 'tap to reload'


App Connection and Syncing Status

Checking your Syncing Status ⬅️ You are here 

How to find your Mobile App version

How to create an Apple ID account

How to create a Google Play Store account

System Requirements

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