People Profiles- Shift Planner changes

This article provides insight into how People Profiles will change the way information is planned

Setting up People Profiles for your Gather Workspace will introduce several key changes when using Shift Planner.

Overview of Changes

  • When filling out the ‘People’ section of the “Resource Information” step in Shift Planner, you will be asked to select a “Name” from a dropdown, which, after selected, will automatically pull in the details associated with the People Profile under that name. 

  • After selecting the correct profile name, the Roles associated with that profile will automatically appear in the “Role” dropdown, along with the relevant Supplier. 

  • You will also no longer be able to use the pasting function in under the 'People' section of Shift Planner.

Function Highlight: How can I add Information when planning multiple Shift Records without using the pasting function?

  • We recognise that being able to add information quickly is an important part of planning a great Record- that's why we suggest you check out our 'Add From' feature.

  • The 'Add From' feature is quick and easy to use, simply follow these instructions:

  1. Navigate into your desired Project and head over to Shift Planner.

  2. Create the Shift Record you will be using as a template (this is the Shift Record that won't leave the Shift Planner screen).

  3. Add in all the necessary People, Plant, Material, Worklog, Fatigue Assessment that you will want to copy into future Shift Records.

  4. Now, create the Shift Records you want to copy information into.

  5. Then, select the Shift Records you want to modify using the tick boxes on the left of the screen and click ‘ACTIONS’.

  6. From here, select the type of shift information you want to copy from (e.g. Plant) then click ‘Add from’ and choose the Shift Record you created as a template.

  7. Now you can see the information has been copied down to the selected shifts.

  8. You can repeat this step for all the information you want to copy from your template Shift Record.

For more detailed instructions, please refer to the following article:

Shift Planner 'Add From' Function

Learn how to copy down your Shift Information from one Shift Record to another to make pre-populating your site data an even more efficient process.


Introducing People Profiles

People Profiles Overview 

Setup and configuration of People Profiles 

How will People Profiles change how information is planned and recorded?

People Profiles- Shift Planner changes ⬅️ You are here 

People Profiles FAQ

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