How to delete a Shift Record

Learn how to remove a Shift Record

This article will talk you through how to delete a Shift Record from a Project. Please note, that only Users with Project Administrator or Workspace Administrator permissions can do this.

Step-by-step Instructions

  1. On the Gather homepage, after you select the relevant project, click on the Shift Records section in the centre of the homepage or in the left hand sidebar.

  2. After you select your project title, click on the three dots next to the Shift Record you want to delete on the right-hand side.

  3. Select "Delete Shift" to delete your shift record.

  4. After clicking on the "Delete Shift" button, a window will pop up to confirm that you want to remove this shift record permanently. Type the word "delete" in the box provided to confirm it and click on "YES, DELETE" to submit it.

  5. You're all done! Your shift record will now be deleted from the project.


Shift Tagging

What is a Calendar View? 

How to complete a Shift Record when possession spans multiple shifts? 

How to delete a Shift Record?  ⬅️ You are here 

How do we capture weather data with an API? 

London Underground Access Information 

What are the different types of Shift Record status? 

What to do when your shift is cancelled 

Shift Record FAQs 

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