The Resource Information section provides a space for you to log all the people, equipment, and materials you have used for the shift you are creating or filling out a Shift Record for.
The Resource Information Steps Explained
This is where all the People Profiles utilised on site can be recorded. You will be asked to fill out:
Name: the People Profile name.
Role Type: which role associated with the People Profile is being used e.g. Ganger, Engineer, Banksman.
Supplier: which company the role associated with the People Profile came from.
Travel time: here you can input the person's travel time to and from site. Use the plus and minus buttons to increase or decrease the time by 15 minutes or type in the time in the boxes.

Equipment Supplier: who supplied the equipment.
Equipment Type: what equipment this is.
Quantity: how many of this equipment type are on site.

Supplier: who supplied the material.
Type: what the material used during the shift is.
Quantity: how much of the material you used for this shift.
Unit: the unit the material is measured in.

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