What are the different types of the Shift Record status?

Understand the lifecycle of a Shift Record.

On Gather, there are four different types of Shift Record Status.

Each Shift Record Status reflects particular information about your Shift Record. During the process of filling out your Shift Record, your Shift Record status will change. These changes follow this structure:

Imported From Plan

A shift will show as Imported From Plan when it is pre-populated via an imported CSV file. Its status will remain this way until the Assignee is set to a user who is assigned to the specific project and checked as an available dropdown.

Awaiting Actuals

A shift will show as Awaiting Actuals when it has been pre-populated via an imported CSV file and has been set by an Assignee who is assigned to the specific project. At this point, no Actuals Data will have been inputted; as soon as an Actuals field is filled out, it will show as Draft. Please note, Actuals Data is any field with the prefix ‘Actual’.


A shift will show Draft as its default. For an Awaiting Actual shift to become Draft, it will need both an Assignee and an Actual field filled out.


A shift will show as Submitted once all the red dots have turned to green, all compulsory fields of each step of the Record have been filled out.


Shift Tagging

What is a Calendar View? 

How to complete a Shift Record when possession spans multiple shifts? 

How to delete a Shift Record? 

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London Underground Access Information 

What are the different types of Shift Record status?  ⬅️ You are here 

What to do when your shift is cancelled 

Shift Record FAQs 

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