At Gather, we offer four different Access Reports. These are: the Access Summary Report, the Possession Detail Report, the Non-Possession Detail Report and the Line Block Detail Report.
The Access Summary Report
The Access Summary Report collates the key Working Time elements of all Shift Records on your Project and identifies their impact on the completion of work.
The Planned Working Time compared directly with the Actual Working Time gives a high-level view of the time available to site teams to complete works.
Works are split by week and include all of the Shift Records regardless of the Access Type.
What Does The Access Summary Report Show?
Week- Week of the financial year.
No. of Shifts - How many Shift Records are being represented in the corresponding week.
Average Planned Working Time - The average time Planned between Works Commence and Works Complete (see diagram below).
Average Actual Working Time - The average time between Works Commence and Works Complete that actually took place (see diagram below).
Total Lost Working Time - The Lost Working Time for all Shift Records in the period. This is a total, not an average.
Shift Productivity Score - Metric that assesses the success of a Shift Record by comparing the Actual works against the Planned works.
Shift Access Score - Metric that assesses the success of a Shift Record through a high-level comparison of each Shift Record's Planned and Actual Working Time durations.
Shift Efficiency Score - A combination of both the Shift Productivity and Access Score.
The diagram and key below show an example Shift Record with all possible timings. Only the time between Works Commence and Works Complete (E and F) affects the Working Times on the report.

A - Possession Time
B - Worksite Taken
C - Isolation Form Received
D - On-track Equipment
E - Work Commence
F - Work Complete
G - Off-track Equipment
H - Isolation Form Handback
I - Worksite Handback
J - Possession Handback
The Possession Detail Report
The Possession Detail Report is essential for understanding delays and assessing their impact upon progress and long-term planning.
It shows each Access Event for the Possession Type.
Information is shown per Shift Record and captures the Date/Time for each field.
What Does The Possession Detail Report Show?
Week- Week of the financial year.
Possession Reference- The reference that is unique to that particular Possession for this Shift Record.
Worksite Reference -The reference that is unique to that particular worksite.
Worksite Location Limit From and To - Possession location bounds.
Worksite Mileage From and To - Possession location in miles and chains.
ELR - Engineers Line Reference.
LOR - Line of Route.
Shift Start Date - Date the Shift Record began.
Lost Time (Hrs) - The difference between the Planned and Actual Working Duration for each Shift Record.
Lost Working Time - The difference between the Planned and Actual Working Time for each Shift Record.
Shift Score - A high-level assessment of the success of an individual Shift Record.
Access Comments (Reason for Variance) - Comments from the Assignee as to why there were variances in the Planned and Actual Times.
Shift Record URL - URL for the Shift Record.
Report URL - URL for the Shift Report.
Status - The Shift Record Status.
Project Name - The name of the Project.
The Non-Possession Detail Report
The Non-Possession Detail Report is also essential for understanding delays and assessing their impact upon progress and long-term planning.
It shows each Access Event for the Non-Possession type of Access.
Information is shown per Shift Record and captures the Date/Time for each field.
What Does The Non-Possession Detail Report Show?
Week - Week of the financial year.
Worksite Location Limit (From and To)- Possession location bounds.
Worksite Mileage (From and To) - Possession location in miles and chains.
ELR - Engineers Line Reference.
LOR - Line of Route.
Shift Start Date - Date the Shift Record began.
Lost Time - The difference between the Planned and Actual Working Time for each Shift Record.
Shift Score - A high-level assessment of the success of an individual Shift Record.
Access Comments (Reason for Variance) - Comments from the Assignee as to why there were variances in the Planned and Actual times.
Shift Record URL - URL for the Shift Record.
Report URL - URL for the Shift Report.
Status - The Shift Record Status.
Project Name - Name of the Project.
The Line Block Detail Report
The Line Block Detail Report provides a real-time record of all Line Block timings including a comparison to Planned, impact upon works and a detailed narrative behind each Event.
This is essential for understanding delays and assessing their impact upon Progress and long-term planning.
This report shows each access event for the Line Block type of Access. Information is shown per Shift Record and captures the Date/Time for each field.
What Does The Line Block Detail Report Show?
Week - Week of the financial year.
Shift Start Date - Date the Shift Record began.
Line Block Reference Number - The reference that is unique to that particular Line Block.
Authority Number - The number of the authority granting that Line Block.
Lost Working Time (Hrs) - The difference between the Planned and Actual Working Duration for each Shift Record.
Line Block Status - States if the Line Block was accepted or rejected.
Comments - States the reason for a Line Block rejection if there was one.
Shift Score - A high-level assessment of the success of an individual Shift Record.
Access Comments (Reason for Variance) - Comments from the Assignee as to why there were variances in the Planned and Actual times.
Variance Category - Type of variance if there was one.
Shift Record URL - URL for the Shift Record.
Report URL - URL for the Shift Report.
Status - The Shift Record Status.
Project Name Name of the Project.
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