Close Call Reports

Learn how the Close Call Report helps track incidents & identify potential hazards.

The Close Call Report folder provides valuable information to ensure a safe working environment. Here's what you need to know:

  • What's Included: This folder contains only the Close Call Summary Report.

  • Purpose: Track incidents, accidents, and near misses to identify potential safety hazards.

  • Benefits:

    • Identify recurring near misses to improve workplace safety.

    • Utilise data for health and safety reports.

  • Report Details:

    • Week: Financial Year week of the near miss.

    • Date: Date the near miss occurred.

    • Supervisor: Assigned Shift Supervisor.

    • Comment: Description of the near miss.

    • Comment Image Link: Download link for any attached images.

    • Project Name: Project where the near miss was reported.

  • Who Uses This Report:

    • Office Staff

    • Project Administrators

    • Workspace Administrators

  • Formats: Available in PDF and CSV formats.

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