General Reports

Gain insights from shift narratives, track performance metrics, and ensure all project information is captured.

This article explores various reports designed to streamline project management. These reports, encompassing narrative summaries to performance metrics, provide valuable insights for informed decision-making and keeping track of project progress. Let's delve into each report in detail:

1. Shift Narrative Report

  • Function: Summarises key comments from multiple shift reports within a specific date range.

  • Information Provided:

    • Key comments extracted from shift reports.

    • Flagged issues identified during shifts.

  • Benefits:

    • Timely identification and resolution of critical project issues, potentially saving costs.

    • Real-time visibility into key concerns like safety events and environmental issues.

  • Who Should Use It: Project Administrators, Office Users, and Workspace Administrators.

  • Availability: CSV format only.

2. Compliance Report

  • Function: Offers a detailed review of project record status categorised by date and supervisor (available in summary and detailed versions).

  • Benefits:

    • Ensures all project information is captured.

    • Identifies missing reports from field teams.

    • Provides peace of mind regarding project data completeness.

  • Information Provided:

    • Summary Report:

      • Week (financial year week).

      • Created By (supervisor of the shift record).

      • Not Submitted (number of unsubmitted shift records).

      • Submitted (number of submitted shift records).

      • Complete (%) - calculated by dividing "Submitted" by "In Draft" reports.

    • Detailed Report:

      • Week (financial year week).

      • Shift Start Date.

      • Supervisor.

      • Status (of the shift record).

      • Shift Record URL.

      • Report URL.

      • Project Name.

  • Who Should Use It: Project Administrators, Office Users, and Workspace Administrators.

  • Availability: Summary report in CSV and PDF formats, detailed report in CSV format only.

3. Image Report

  • Function: Extracts and compiles images from shift reports.

  • Benefits:

    • Visually inspect issues or completed works based on date filters.

    • Extract images from a single shift record, a week of records, or the entire project.

  • Information Provided:

    • Week (financial year week).

    • Shift Start Date.

    • Supervisor.

    • Image Type (section of the form where the image was added).

    • Comments (any comments added to the image by a user).

    • Date/Time (when the image was added by a user).

    • Comment Image Link (link to download the image).

  • Who Should Use It: Project Administrators, Office Users, and Workspace Administrators.

  • Availability: CSV format only.

4. Shift Performance Metric Report

  • Function: Provides an overview of key performance metrics for each shift, including productivity, efficiency, and access scores.

  • Benefits:

    • Identifies areas where time is lost within the project.

    • Analyses shift record productivity and the reasons behind it.

    • Informs future shift record and project planning to minimise errors and optimise workflow.

  • Information Provided:

    • Week (financial year week).

    • Start Date.

    • Supervisor.

    • Shift Performance Score (compares actual work completed against planned work).

    • Shift Efficiency Score (combines productivity and access scores).

    • Shift Access Score (compares planned and actual working time durations).

    • Lost Time (hours).

    • Project Name.

  • Who Should Use It: Project Administrators, Office Users, and Workspace Administrators.

  • Availability: CSV format only.

5. Site Documents Report

  • Function: Offers an overview of all documents uploaded for each shift record.

  • Benefits:

    • Tracks unsigned documents.

    • Maintains a record of all documents uploaded for each shift record.

  • Information Provided:

    • Week (financial year week).

    • Shift Start Date.

    • Supervisor.

    • Document Name (uploaded document).

    • Upload Date.

    • Upload By (user who uploaded the document).

    • Document Status (whether it's signable, view-only, or signed).

    • Document Link (link to the uploaded document).

    • Signed Document Link (if applicable, link to the document with signatures).

    • Shift Record URL.

    • Shift Report URL.

    • Project Name.

    • Shift Record Status.

  • Who Should Use It: Project Administrators, Office Users, and Workspace Administrators.

  • Availability: CSV format only.

6 . Combined Shift Report

  • Function: Creates a single PDF report summarizing information from multiple shift reports within a chosen date range.

  • Benefits:

    • Tracks activities within a specific timeframe.

    • Identifies issues for further investigation.

    • Provides a consolidated overview of project progress.

  • Information Provided:

    • The report is divided into five sections summarizing key aspects of each shift record:

      • Shift Information Section: Details like shift number, financial week, start and end times, duration, supervisor, and location.

      • Progress Section: Captures details like activity type, planned and actual units of work completed, and the discipline involved.

      • Access Information Section: Provides details like access type (e.g., line block or possession), planned and actual working times, lost time (if any), shift score, and comments explaining variances.

      • Resource Information Section: Information on labour and plant resources used, including supplier, type, number of shifts used on, and total hours worked.

      • Comments Section: Categorizes comments by type (general, close call, environmental) and includes the date and details of the comment.

  • Who Should Use It: Project Administrators, Office Users, and Workspace Administrators.

  • Availability: PDF format only.

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