Progress Reports

Struggling to track project progress? Learn how to leverage Progress Summary Reports and Progress Detail Reports to gain insights into project activities, identify delays, and ensure your projects stay on schedule.

Progress Summary Report

The Progress Summary Report provides a high-level overview of project progress across locations and disciplines. It helps identify potential delays and their impact on the overall project schedule.

  • Function: Summarises project progress metrics across locations and disciplines.

  • Benefits:

    • Identifies potential delays and their impact on project planning.

    • Offers a high-level comparison of planned vs. actual work completed.

  • Who Should Use It: Project Managers, Commercial Managers, Project Planners, Construction Managers.

  • Availability: CSV and PDF formats.

What the Progress Summary Report Shows:

  • Activity Location: Location where the activity took place.

  • Discipline: The discipline involved in the activity.

  • Unit of Measure (UoM): The unit used to measure the work completed (e.g., metres, litres).

  • Planned: The amount of work planned for the shift record.

  • Actual: The amount of work actually completed during the shift.

  • Complete (%): Percentage of work completed compared to what was planned.

Progress Detail Report

The Progress Detail Report provides a more granular view of project progress, allowing for a deeper understanding of delays and their impact. It offers detailed comparisons of planned vs. actual work at the discipline and activity level.

  • Function: Provides an in-depth view of project progress at the discipline and activity level.

  • Benefits:

    • Enables investigation of delays and their impact on project progress.

    • Offers a detailed comparison of planned vs. actual work completed.

  • Who Should Use It: Project Managers, Commercial Managers, Project Planners, Construction Managers.

  • Availability: CSV format only.

What the Progress Detail Report Shows:

  • Week: Financial year week.

  • Shift Start Date: Date the shift record began.

  • Supervisor: Name of the supervisor for the shift.

  • Activity Location: Location where the activity took place.

  • Discipline: The discipline involved in the activity.

  • Activity: The specific activity undertaken during the shift.

  • Planned Quantity: The amount of the activity planned for the shift.

  • Actual Quantity: The amount of the activity actually completed during the shift.

  • Unit of Measure (UoM): The unit used to measure the work completed (e.g., metres, litres).

  • % Complete: Percentage of work completed compared to what was planned.

  • Reason for Variance: Comments from the supervisor explaining any discrepancies between planned and actual quantities.

  • Shift Record URL: Link to the specific shift record.

  • Report URL: Link to the shift report.

  • Project Name: Name of the project.

  • Status: Status of the shift record (refer to the provided link for status definitions).

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