Resource Reports

Gain insights into labour, plant, material usage, and streamline processes for better project delivery and cost control.

This article dives into the five different Resource Reports available:

Resource Summary Report

The Resource Summary Report provides a high-level overview of resources used within a specific date range. It categorises resources by type (Labour/Plant) and supplier, offering a general understanding of resource usage.

  • Function: Summarises resource usage by type (Labour/Plant) and supplier within a date range.

  • Benefits:

    • Offers a quick overview of resource usage for project cost management.

    • Provides insights into labour, plant, and material costs.

  • Who Should Use It: Project Managers, Commercial Managers, Project Planners, Construction Managers.

  • Availability: PDF format only.

Resource Summary Report Breakdown:

  • Company Name: Resources are grouped alphabetically by company name.

  • Type: Name of the resource (e.g., Site Manager, Mini Excavator).

  • No. Shifts: Number of shift records the resource was used in.

  • Hours Worked: Total hours the resource was used across all shift records.

  • Total: Total number of shifts and total hours worked for each resource.

Resource Detail Report

This report offers a detailed breakdown of Labour, Plant, and Materials used in every shift record. It connects resources to the specific shift record they were used on, providing easy access to relevant details.

  • Function: Provides a detailed review of Labour, Plant, and Materials used in each shift record.

  • Benefits:

    • Enables management of project delivery, commercial aspects, and safety.

    • Supports fatigue management, payment substantiation, subcontractor applications, invoice verification, timesheet management, and resource scheduling.

  • Who Should Use It: Project Managers, Commercial Managers, Project Planners, Construction Managers.

  • Availability: CSV format only.

Resource Detail Report Breakdown:

  • Week: Financial year week.

  • Shift Start Date: Date the shift record began.

  • Hours Worked (Hrs): Total hours worked for that shift record.

  • Resource Category: Category of resource (e.g., Labour, Material, Plant).

  • Resource: Specific type of resource (e.g., ground worker, saw).

  • Resource Supplier: Supplier name for the resource.

  • Resource Quantity: Amount of resource used.

  • Resource Notes/Name: Name of the resource (if Labour).

  • Shift Record URL: Link to the shift record.

  • Report URL: Link to the shift report.

  • Project Name: Name of the project.

Labour Detail Report

This report focuses on Labour resources, providing details for each worker in a shift record. It includes start and finish times, total hours worked, project name, and supervisor details.

  • Function: Provides a detailed review of Labour resources used in each shift record.

  • Benefits:

    • Supports fatigue management to ensure workforce safety.

  • Who Should Use It: Project Managers, Health and Safety Managers.

  • Availability: CSV format only.

Labour Detail Report Breakdown:

  • Week: Financial year week.

  • Start Date: Date the shift record began.

  • Start Time: Time the shift record began.

  • Finish Date: Date the shift record finished.

  • Finish Time: Time the shift record finished.

  • Hours Worked (Hrs): Hours worked by the labour resource.

  • Sign In Time: Resource start time.

  • Sign Out Time: Resource end time.

  • Supervisor: Name of the supervisor.

  • Resource Supplier: Name of the resource supplier.

  • Resource: Type of resource (Labour).

  • Name: Name of the labour resource.

  • Project: Name of the project.

Plant Detail Report Breakdown:

  • Week: Financial year week.

  • Planned Resource Start Date Time: Planned start time for the plant resource.

  • Planned Resource End Date Time: Planned end time for the plant resource.

  • Actual Resource Start Date Time: Actual start time for the plant resource.

  • Actual Resource End Date Time: Actual end time for the plant resource.

  • Actual Hours Worked (Hrs): Amount of time the plant resource worked.

  • Supervisor: Assigned supervisor for the shift record.

  • Resource Supplier: Supplier name for the plant resource.

  • Resource: Type of plant resource.

  • Resource Quantity: Amount of plant resource used.

  • Shift Record URL: Link to the shift record.

  • Shift Report URL: Link to the shift report.

  • Project Name: Name of the project.

  • Status: Draft/Awaiting Actuals/Submitted (status of the shift record).

Allocation Detail Report

The Allocation Detail Report offers a combined view of Labour and Plant resources used in each shift record. It details who worked on the project (weekly - Labour), for how many hours, the total shift duration, location, and contractor information.

  • Function: Provides a detailed breakdown of Labour and Plant resources allocated to activities within each shift record.

  • Benefits:

    • Enables substantiating non-productive time, allocating costs to activities, highlighting changes from tender.

    • Supports long-term project optimisation through data-driven risk registers and improved future project estimations.

  • Who Should Use It: Project Managers, Cost Managers, Project Planners.

  • Availability: CSV format only.

Allocation Detail Report Breakdown:

  • Shift Record URL: Link to the shift record.

  • Report URL: Link to the shift report.

  • Week: Financial year week.

  • Shift Start Time: Date and time the shift record started.

  • Resource Category: Category of resource (e.g., Labour, Material, Plant).

  • Resource: Specific type of resource (e.g., ground worker, Stihl Saw).

  • Resource Supplier: Name of the resource supplier.

  • Resource Quantity: Amount of resource used.

  • Resource Notes/Name: Name of the resource (if Labour).

  • Activity Location: Where the activity took place.

  • Discipline: Discipline of the activity (e.g., civils or installation).

  • Activity: Description of the activity taking place.

  • Hours Allocated: Amount of time allocated to each activity.

  • Total Resource Duration: Amount of time the resource worked.

  • Total Shift Duration: How long the shift record lasted.

  • Comment: Any comments regarding non-productive time.

  • Project Name: Name of the project.

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