Email Notifications

Gather Platform Email Notifications Explained

This article explains the five types of email notifications you can receive from the Gather platform to stay informed and on top of your tasks. All email addresses will be from, and you can manage your notification preferences within your profile settings.

Daily Incomplete Shift Reminder

  • Function: Reminds users about incomplete shift records assigned to them within the past 30 days for active projects.

  • Content: Lists incomplete shift records with links for easy access and completion.

  • Recipients: Users assigned to incomplete shifts (typically field staff).

  • Frequency: Daily at 8:00 AM.

Daily Summary

  • Function: Provides a daily overview of project progress for assigned projects.

  • Content:

    • Shift scores for each project.

    • Number of submitted shift records per project.

    • Links to relevant shift reports for each project.

  • Recipients: Users with Office User, Project Administrator, or Workspace Administrator permissions for assigned projects.

  • Frequency: Daily at 8:00 AM.

    • Note: Excluded for inactive projects or projects with no completed shifts for that day.

Weekly Summary

  • Function: Delivers key project metrics on progress, safety, delays, adoption, and hours worked.

  • Content:

    • Lost working time.

    • Shift scores.

    • Total shifts.

    • Percentage of shifts submitted.

    • Labour hours worked.

    • Plant hours worked.

  • Recipients: Users with Office User, Project Administrator, or Workspace Administrator permissions for assigned projects.

  • Frequency: Fridays at 1:00 PM.

Shift Assignment Notification

  • Function: Alerts users about assigned shifts.

  • Content:

    • List of assigned shifts.

    • Shift start dates and times.

  • Recipients: Users assigned to shifts by project managers (typically field users).

  • Frequency: Sent immediately upon shift assignment by the project manager.

    • Note: Assigned shifts are also viewable within the Sitediary App.

Daily Fatigue Notification

  • Function: Informs Workspace Administrators about fatigue exceedances within assigned projects.

  • Content:

    • Number of fatigue exceedances per category.

    • Link to Fatigue Management Key Insights for further investigation.

  • Recipients: Users with Workspace Administrator permissions (if any fatigue breaches occurred in the last 7 days or are planned for the next 7 days).

  • Frequency: Daily at 1:00 PM.

    • Note: One user may have multiple fatigue exceedances.

Additional Notes:

  • Learn more about fatigue: [link here]

  • Fatigue Risk Assessment information: [link here]

Fatigue Risk Assessment Alert

  • Function: Alerts project managers of potential fatigue concerns identified in a completed risk assessment.

  • Content:

    • Notification of a completed risk assessment.

    • Highlights any potential fatigue concerns.

  • Recipients: Predefined list of users per project (up to five, typically project managers).

  • Frequency: Sent upon confirmation of a completed risk assessment for a specific user.

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