Managing Email Notifications

Learn how to manage your email notification preferences within the Gather platform.

This article explains how to manage your email notification preferences within the Gather platform.

Enabling/Disabling Email Notifications

You can choose which email notifications you receive by enabling or disabling them through checkboxes. This allows you to customize your notification settings and only receive the emails you find most relevant.

Setting Your Notification Preferences

  1. Access Your User Profile: Click on the user icon in the top right corner of your workspace and select "My Profile".

  2. Edit User Settings: Click the "Edit User" button.

  3. Manage Notification Preferences: Scroll down to the bottom of the page. You will see a list of email notifications with checkboxes on the left-hand side. Select the checkboxes for the emails you want to receive and deselect the ones you don't want.

  4. Save Changes: Once you've chosen your preferences, click the "SAVE" button in the bottom right corner.

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