How to create a new User

Adding new users to your Workspace

his guide explains how to create new Users within your Gather Workspace, granting them access to the Mobile and Web Apps.

info icon
Important Note: Only Project Administrators and Workspace Administrators can add new Users. Refer to the "User Permissions" article for more information.

Step-by-Step Instructions

  1. Access Manage Users: Click the cog icon in the top right corner of the Web App and select "Manage Users".

  2. Create New User: Click the "+ CREATE NEW USER" button at the bottom right corner of the Users page.

  3. Fill Out User Details: The "Create New User" page will open. Complete the required fields marked with an asterisk (*):

    • General

      • Full Name (Mandatory)

      • Job Title (Mandatory)

      • Profile Picture (Optional)

    • Contact Details

      • Email Address (Mandatory) - Used for future communication.

      • Contact Number (Mandatory)

      • Office Address (Optional)

    • Site Access (Mandatory)

      • Site Supervisor/Assignable to Shifts: Determines if the User appears for assigning Site Supervisors and conducting Fatigue Risk Assessments.

    • Security and Access (Mandatory)

      • Password Options: Choose between sending a password set-up email or setting a manual password (requires confirmation).

    • Default Role (Mandatory) - Defines User permissions (refer to "User Permissions" article for details).

  4. Save User: Click "SAVE" at the bottom right corner of the page. This will redirect you to the new User's profile page.

  5. Manage User Profile:

    • Add the User to Projects.

    • Edit their profile using the "EDIT USER" button.

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