How do I assign a User to a Project?

Assigning Users to Projects in Gather

This guide explains how to assign Users to Projects within Gather. To perform this action, you must:

  • Be assigned to the Project yourself.

  • Possess "Office User," "Project Administrator," or "Workspace Administrator" permissions.

info icon
Note: Refer to the "User Permissions" article for more information on permission levels.

User Permissions

Find out about our different user persmissions

Step-by-Step Instructions

  1. Access Manage Users: Click the cog icon in the top right corner of the Web App and select "Manage Users".

  2. Select User: Find the User you want to assign to a Project from the listed Users.

  3. Open User Profile: Click on the User's name to access their profile page.

  4. Assign Project: Locate the "Projects" section beneath the User's contact details. Click the empty box next to the project list.

  5. Choose Project: Select the Project you want to assign the User to from the dropdown menu.

  6. Confirm Assignment (Optional): A confirmation pop-up might appear. Click "CONFIRM" to proceed or "CANCEL" if you selected the wrong Project.

Success! The assigned Project will now be reflected in the User's profile list.

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