How do I un-assign a User from a Project?

Unassigning Users from Projects in Gather

This guide explains how to remove Users from Projects within Gather. To perform this action, you must:

  • Be assigned to the Project yourself.

  • Possess "Office User," "Project Administrator," or "Workspace Administrator" permissions.

Step-by-Step Instructions

  1. Access Manage Users: Click the cog icon in the top right corner of the Web App and select "Manage Users".

  2. Select User: Find the User you want to unassign from a Project in the listed Users.

  3. Open User Profile: Click on the User's name to access their profile page.

  4. Unassign Project: Locate the "Assigned Projects" section. Click the red "X" next to the Project you want to remove the User from.

  5. Confirm Unassignment (Optional): A confirmation pop-up might appear. Click "Yes, Unassign" to confirm or "Cancel" if you selected the wrong Project.

Success! The Project will be removed from the User's profile. This won't delete any data they entered in the Project, it only restricts their access.

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