Project Datasources

Customising Dropdowns in Gather Projects

his guide explains how to customize dropdown menus for specific projects within Gather. Project customization is only available to Project Administrators or Workspace Administrators who are assigned to the project.

Customizable Project Datasources:

  • Shift Information (Access Points and Meeting Points)

  • Plant Resources (Plant Supplier and Type)

  • Activity Information (Activity Location, Discipline, Activity, and Unit of Measure)

Accessing Project Datasources

  1. On the project homepage, navigate to the left-hand side menu and click the gear icon ('cog').

  2. This will open the "Edit Project Fields" page. Here, you can update the following datasources for this project:

    • Shift Information

    • Plant Resources

    • Activity Information

Adding New Options

  1. Within a specific datasource section (e.g., Shift Information), click the '+ ADD NEW LINE' button.

  2. Enter your new option(s) separated by commas. You can copy and paste multiple values here.

  3. Click 'Save' when you've finished adding new options.

Workspace Datasource Inheritance

Project datasources can also inherit options from your workspace-level settings. Here's how to include workspace options in a project datasource:

  1. Within a specific datasource section, click the hamburger menu (three horizontal lines).

  2. Select 'Inheritance settings'.

  3. Click 'Include Workspace options' to incorporate options defined at the workspace level.

info icon
Important Note: If you don't enter any project-specific options for a datasource that also has workspace options (e.g., Labour Name), the system will default to using only the workspace options.
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