How to sign documents on Site

This article will walk you through how to sign a Site Document.

This article will walk you through how to sign a Site Document.

Step-by-step Instructions

How to sign a Site Document on the Web App

  1. First, navigate to the Shift Record that you want to sign a Site Document.

  2. Click 'VIEW DOCUMENTS' in the top right of the Shift Record to see all the documents uploaded to the shift.

  3. Click the three dots on the far right of the document you want to sign and click 'VIEW AND SIGN'.

  4. Click 'SIGN' in the bottom right of the screen.

  5. Select or Enter your Name and Competency Number.

  6. Create a signature using your mouse or touchscreen. 

  7. After reading the disclaimer at the bottom of the screen 'ACCEPT AND SIGN'.

How to sign a Site Document on the Mobile App

  1. Click on the Project you want to sign a Shift Record. From here, you can either click the paperclip icon on your chosen shift to go straight to the documents uploaded to it, or you can click the three dots on the shift and click 'View Documents'.

  2. You can then download the document you want to sign with the download icon and view it with the '>' symbol.

  1. Click 'SIGN' in the bottom right of the screen.

  2. You should then choose your name from the list of People Profile Names on the Project and fill in your Competency Number.

  3. You can now sign the document by clicking 'ADD SIGNATURE' and drawing your name on the screen.

  4. Once you have completed this you can tap 'ACCEPT & SIGN' and then 'OK' on the next page. Your signature will then be stored on your device until it can be synced with the cloud.


Site Documents Overview

How to upload, edit and delete Site Documents

How to sign documents on Site ⬅️ You are here

How to view and share Site Documents 

How to view signatures on Site Documents 

Site Documents FAQ

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