Project Tagging

Using Project Tags in Gather

Project tags in Gather allow you to organize projects, improve user experience, and enhance reporting.

Please note: you will need to contact Gather Customer Support to set up your project before adding project tags. You cannot set up projects without contacting Gather Customer Support.

Key Points:

  • Users with Project Administrator or Workspace Administrator permissions can add tags (up to 250 characters) to projects they're assigned to.

  • All users with access to the project list can view project tags.

Creating Project Tags

  1. Permissions: You'll need Project Administrator permissions (or higher) and be assigned to the project.

  2. Navigate: Go to the project list screen.

  3. Edit Tags: Click the hamburger menu and select "Edit Tags."

  4. Create New Tag: Click "CREATE NEW TAG."

  5. Enter Tag Name: Enter your desired tag name and click "Create New Tag."

    • The new tag will now be available for all projects within the workspace.

Assigning Project Tags

  1. Navigate: Go to the project list screen.

  2. Edit Tags: Click the hamburger menu and select "Edit Tags."

  3. Select Tags: Search for and/or select the tags you want to assign to the project. Uncheck tags to remove them.

  4. Save: Click "SAVE" to complete project tagging.

Organizing Projects by Tag

  1. Navigate: Go to the project list screen.

  2. Filter: Select the filter icon in the table header.

  3. Choose Tags: Check/uncheck the relevant project tags.

  4. Save Filter: Click "SAVE" to complete the filtering.

Filtering Project Reports by Tag

  1. Navigate: Go to Workspace Reports.

  2. Summary Reports: Select "Summary Reports."

  3. Filter by Tag: Click the Projects filter (default filter).

  4. Change Filter: In the pop-up menu, change "Filter by Project" to "Filter by Tag."

  5. Select Tags: Choose the relevant project tags and click "Apply."

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