Fatigue Risk Index Explained

Understanding Risk and Fatigue Scores

This article explains the factors contributing to fatigue and risk scores generated within Gather's platform. These scores are based on the original HSE Fatigue & Risk Index calculator, adapted to meet Network Rail's fatigue risk management standard (NR/L2/OHS/003).

Risk and Fatigue Components

Both risk and Fatigue Scores are calculated based on three key components:

  • Cumulative Component: This considers how individual shifts are combined to form a work schedule. The impact on this component depends on the pattern of work leading up to a particular shift.

  • Duty Timing and Travel Component: This estimates the incident risk associated with commute times at the beginning or end of a shift, considering both the time of day and commute length.

  • Intensity Calculation Component: This estimates the risk associated with work intensity, including factors like continuous work hours before breaks and average break duration.

Contributing Factors

Several factors derived from user inputs influence risk and fatigue scores. These include:

  • Shift Duration

  • Shift Type (Day/Night)

  • Consecutive Shifts (Shift Pattern)

  • Travel Time (e.g. traveling at 4am)

  • Travel Time to Site

  • Travel Time From Site

  • Shift Start Time

  • Intensity

  • Attention

  • Rest Period Between Shifts: The risk increases proportionally to the amount a rest period falls below 9 hours. Each lost hour of rest contributes to a 6% rise in risk.

User Workload and Attention

Gather allows you to set Intensity and Attention factors at a workspace level. This scale ranges from 0 (lowest) to 3 (highest) as demonstrated below. To change these metrics, speak to our support team.

  • Workload:

    • 0: Extremely undemanding, ample spare capacity

    • 1: Moderately undemanding, some spare capacity

    • 2: Moderately demanding, little spare capacity

    • 3: Extremely demanding, no spare capacity

  • Attention:

    • 0: Rarely or nearly none of the time

    • 1: Some of the time

    • 2: Most of the time

    • 3: All or nearly all the time

Additional Resources


Overview of Fatigue Management

Resource Only Configuration Overview

Using Shift Planner for Fatigue Management

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