Understanding Fatigue Management Key Insights
Gather's platform leverages data captured in Shift Records to automatically generate detailed reports and Key Insights dashboards. These dashboards provide real-time insights into who is at risk of Fatigue, empowering you to take preventative measures.
Available Dashboards
Our Fatigue dashboard covers the following:
Daily Risk Alert: Covers Risks Flagged Today, and is filterable by Risk Type and Time Period.

Risk Analysis: Covers Weekly Fatigue Score, along with Hours Worked, Shift Count, Max Fatigue Score and Max Total Hours.

Exceedance Record: Covers Historical Exceedances by period.

Hours Analysis: Covers Monthly Project Hours.

Resource Forecast: Covers Hours by Month, along with Weekly Resource Allocation.

Data Hygiene: Covers Potential Data Issues, sorting them by type and month.

Compliance: Covers number of Records Per Project, Records Per Week and Records by their Shift Record Status.

Data Hygiene tab conditions:
The Date Hygiene tab provides you with an important run down of Potential Data Issues that may lead to an Exceedance in a Shift Record. The conditions for each Potential Data Issue query are as follows:
Shift Start Date Query:
Condition: If the difference between the Shift Start Date Time and the Actual Resource Start Date Time is more than 2 hours.
Potential Issue: The shift may have started significantly later than Planned.
Shift End Date Query:
Condition: If the Actual Resource End Date Time is more than 14 hours after the Shift Start Date Time.
Potential Issue: The Shift Duration exceeds the recommended 14-hour limit, indicating potential overwork.
Duration Query:
Condition: If the Total Hours worked exceeds 15 hours.
Potential Issue: The Total Working Hours are excessive, possibly leading to Fatigue and reduced productivity.
Shift Clash:
Condition: If the Rest Hours between shifts are less than 10 hours.
Potential Issue: Insufficient rest between shifts, which could result in worker Fatigue and safety risks.
Key Insights for Rail Projects
Key Insights for Non-Rail Projects
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