Key Insights for Fatigue Management

Rroactively identify and manage fatigue risk within your workforce

Understanding Fatigue Management Key Insights

Gather's platform leverages data captured in Shift Records to automatically generate detailed reports and Key Insights dashboards. These dashboards provide real-time insights into who is at risk of fatigue, empowering you to take preventative measures.

Available Dashboards

Our fatigue dashboard covers the following:

  • Daily Risk Alert: covers risks flagged today, and is filterable by risk type and time period.

  • Risk Analysis: covers weekly fatigue score, along with hours worked, shift count, maximum fatigue score and maximum total hours.

  • Exceedance Record: covers historical exceedances by period.

  • Hours Analysis: covers monthly project hours.

  • Resource Forecast: covers hours by month, along with weekly resource allocation.

  • Data Hygiene: covers potential data issues, sorting them by type and month.

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