People Profiles FAQ

This FAQ addresses common questions about People Profiles on Gather

This FAQ addresses common questions about People Profiles on Gather

Q: What is the minimum amount of information to be added for a People Profile to appear in a Shift Record?

A: People Profiles require a name and a valid Supplier-Role combination (project specific or workspace wide) for inclusion in Shift Record. 

Q: Who can add or edit a People Profile?

A: Workspace Administrators can add new or edit existing People Profiles.

Q: Can I set up multiple People Profiles in one go?

A: No, you cannot set up multiple People Profiles at the same time. People Profiles need to be added individually as each requires the compulsory fields to be completed.

Q: What do I do if two people I am setting up a People Profile for have the same name?

A: Unique system-generated references identify resources with the same name in Shift Records. Renaming is also an option. 

Q: How does a People Profile differ from a User Profile?

A: You cannot delete a saved Role from a People Profile, but you can archive it. To delete a Role Type from the "Role Type" Dropdown, use the "Edit Role & Supplier" button located at the bottom left of the "Roles" section in the People Profile. 

Q: Can I delete a Role from a People Profile?

A: You cannot delete a role that has been saved under a People Profile, but you can archive it. To delete a Role Type from the “Role Type” Dropdown, click on the “Edit Role & Supplier” button to the bottom left of the “Roles” section of the People Profile. 

Q: How do I add a new or edit existing attribute types?

A: Workspace Administrators can add new or edit existing attributes within the “Edit Name and Attributes” section of the People Profile. 

Q: What should I do if someone leaves my organisation?

A: When somebody leaves your organisation, you should mark the People Profile as Inactive. This Profile will no longer be available to be added to any newly created Shift Records. To mark a Profile as inactive, please follow the steps in the following support article

Q: What happens to existing records if the People Profile name changes?

A: Updating a People Profile name won't affect existing Shift Records (they retain the original name). The new name will apply to future Shift Records. 

Q: What should I do if someone gets a new role/promotion?

A: Add new roles to People Profiles using the "Edit Role & Supplier" button within the "Roles" section. Updated roles will be reflected in Shift Record options. 


Introducing People Profiles

People Profiles Overview 

Setup and configuration of People Profiles 

How will People Profiles change how information is planned and recorded?

People Profiles- Shift Planner changes

People Profiles FAQ ⬅️ You are here 

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