Shift Planner is our integrated solution for the efficient collation and pre-population of Shift, Resource and Access Information.
Shift Planner allows you to plan weeks and months of shifts, and is completely resumable- meaning you can go back and make alterations. This not only improves the quality and consistency of data through pre-population, but allows for quicker data entry on site.
You can duplicate shifts, add new lines, and save your progress. The shifts will then appear in Shift Records ready for completion at a later time. There are multiple steps and field to input information into in the Shift Planning process.
The steps/fields are:
Shift creation screen: Shift Start Time*, Shift Duration (Hours)*, Contract Reference (requested in certain configurations), Access Point*, Assignee*
People: Name*, Role Type*, Supplier*, Planned Start Time*, Planned End Time*, Travel time to site, Travel time from site, Review
Equipment (included in certain configurations): Supplier*, Type*, Quantity*, Planned Start Time*, Planned End Time*
Materials (included in certain configurations): Supplier*, Type*, Material Quantity*, Material Unit*
Worklog (included in certain configurations): Location*, Discipline*, Activity*, UoM*, Quantity*, Activity Start Time, Activity End Time
Fatigue Assessment (included in certain configurations): Name of Person Assessed*
Tags: to find our more about tagging on Gather, please refer to our following support article...
Shift Tagging
Organise and understand key issues with Shift Tags.
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Entering data in Shift Planner