Shift Planner Overview

Video introduction to the Shift Planner feature

Shift Planner is an integrated solution for the efficient collation and pre-population of resource, access and shift information.

Shift Planner allows you to plan weeks and months of shifts, and is completely resumable- meaning you can go back and make alterations, improving the quality and consistency of data through pre-population.

You can duplicate shifts, add new lines, and save your progress. The shifts will then appear in Shift Records ready for completion at a later time. There are multiple steps in the Shift Planning process.

The steps are:

  • Shift creation screen: Shift Start Time*, Shift Duration (Hours)*, Contract Reference (requested on certain configurations), Access Point*, Assignee*

  • People: Name*, Role Type*, Supplier*, Planned Start Time*, Planned End Time*, Travel time to site, Travel time from site, Review

  • Equipment (included for certain configurations): Supplier*, Type*, Quantity*, Planned Start Time*, Planned End Time*

  • Materials (included for certain configurations): Supplier*, Type*, Material Quantity*, Material Unit*

  • Worklog (included for certain configurations): Location*, Discipline*, Activity*, UoM*, Quantity*, Activity Start Time, Activity End Time

  • Fatigue Assessment (included for certain configurations): Name of Person Assessed*

  • Tags: to find our more about tagging on Gather, please refer to our following support article...

Shift Tagging

Organise and understand key issues with Shift Tags.


Shift Planner Overview ⬅️ You are here 

Entering data in Shift Planner 

Shift Planner ‘Add From’ Function

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