Entering data in Shift Planner

Learn the basics of entering data into the Shift Planner tool

This article runs through the basics of using our Shift Planner tool.

Step-by-step Instructions

  1. First, choose the relevant Project you would like to plan a shift for. From here, you can either click the Shift Planner icon in the dashboard or click on Shift Planner on the left-hand menu.

  2. You will now be taken to the shift creation screen, where you will need to add some basic shift information. The fields you will need to fill out are the following:

  • Shift Start Time

  • Shift Duration (Hours)

  • Access Point 

  • Meeting Point

  • Assignee

  • Access information

  1. A green tick will then appear after completing the information indicating all fields are completed. To duplicate the shift, just click the copy icon or click “+ ADD NEW LINE”

  1. You can now click “CONTINUE” and add information to the following sections:

  • Access Information:

  • People Resources 

  • Plant Resources

  • Material Resources 

  • Worklog Information

  1. To enter this information into multiple Shift Records, tick the box next to each Shift Record then click "ACTIONS". Here, you can fill out this information for all the Records selected, add Shift Tags or delete any unwanted records.

  1. To overwrite data from another shift. Click on the "Overwrite from" option and select the shift that you want to overwrite data from.

  1. When you have completed all steps you can choose which shifts you would like to UPLOAD by clicking the boxes on the left-hand side. All shifts that you don't upload will still be available to upload later. 

Your uploaded Shift Records will then appear with the status "AWAITING ACTUALS", ready to be completed.

If you don't want to upload shifts immediately, you can leave the page and come back at a later time to upload shifts without them being deleted. 

If at any point you would like to Edit Project Fields, remove or add any extra you can do this by following the instructions in the following help article...

Project Datasources

Customising Dropdowns in Gather Projects


Shift Planner Overview

Entering data in Shift Planner ⬅️ You are here 

Shift Planner ‘Add From’ Function

Shift Planner FAQs

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