Shift Record FAQs

Essential information on completing a Shift Record.

Why can’t I see a Shift Record in the Mobile App?

On the Mobile App, you can only see Records that are either created by yourself or Records that have been assigned to you.

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If you change a Shift Record Assignee in the Mobile App, the record will be reassigned to them and the original Assignee will no longer be able to see that Shift Record.

Why can't I submit the Shift Record once I complete it?

Potential blockers include;

  • You have added a resource but have not filled out all of the data.

  • You have not entered information into the compulsory fields. 

  • There are clashes between Shifts- in this case a small red blocker icon will show to notify you of this issue.

How do I ensure my device captures the GPS location and watermark an image I upload?

When you click to add an image, you have the choice of whether to “Take Photo…” or “Choose from Library…”. If you choose to Take Photo, the image you will take will be watermarked. 

Where is my GPS watermarked image saved?

When you take a picture in the Gather App, GPS location information is collected and added as a watermark to the image. This image is saved in the app and can be viewed in the Shift Report or the Image Report.

How can I change the dropdown menu option?

This can be done by changing the Project data sources. To find out how to do this, click here.

How can I capture Fatigue management information?

Fatigue management information can be added to each resource by adding in travel time to and from the place of work.

How can I add non-productive time?

If all of the hours have not been allocated to activities or breaks, then a box will automatically appear for a non-productive time to be explained. This is a free text field so details can be quickly added.

Why is it important to fill in planned fields?

This gives you an insight into planned vs actual and if both don't match, you can enter a reason to justify this. 

How do I use the speech-to-text feature?

  1. Display the on-screen keyboard, then tap the microphone.

  2. Start talking. The device listens to your voice and turns it into the text as you talk. Use keywords to insert punctuation or paragraph breaks as needed.

  3. Tap Done to stop dictating.

  4. Make adjustments to the text as necessary with the keyboard.

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Important Note: This can only be done on the Mobile App

Why can't I delete a Shift Record from a project I'm assigned to?

Only users with Project Administrator and Workspace Administrator permissions on that Project are able to delete records. Records can also only be deleted on the Web App.


Shift Tagging

What is a Calendar View? 

How to complete a Shift Record when possession spans multiple shifts? 

How to delete a Shift Record? 

How do we capture weather data with an API? 

London Underground Access Information 

What are the different types of Shift Record status? 

What to do when your shift is cancelled 

Shift Record FAQs ⬅️ You are here 

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