App Connection and Syncing Status

Find out about what App Connection and Sync Status means

When on-site you may be in a remote area, underground, or have limited internet connectivity. Our native app allows you to collect data offline, including signatures and images. When a connection is available, data collected is "synced" to the cloud.

This process is indicated using two concepts.

  1. App Status

  2. Record Status

This guide explains each.

📱 App Status

App status represents the overall application state.

  1. Online | Up to date - The app is connected to the platform and all records are up to date.

  2. Online | App update required - The app is connected to the platform but requires an update from the app store to send or receive updates to records.

  3. Online | Syncing - The app is currently sending or receiving data.

  4. Online | Syncing pending - The app is connected to the platform, there are local changes that will be uploaded shortly.

  5. Online | Syncing error - The app is connected to the platform but an error is preventing one or more records from being uploaded. Tap the icon for more information.

  6. Offline - The app is operating in offline mode. Changes made locally will be uploaded when in online mode. You may not be able to access all records when offline.

⌛ Record Status

Record Status represents the state of a specific Shift Record on the device.

  1. Up to date - The record has been uploaded to the cloud and has no new changes.

  2. Syncing pending - The record has local changes that need to be uploaded. This happens every 30 seconds.

  3. Syncing - The record is receiving updates or uploading local changes.

  4. Syncing error - The user can click this to be directed to our errors page.

  5. Not downloaded from the cloud - The record is not downloaded to the device, (open it to download).

    Checking Sync Status

    To check your sync status manually, follow the steps in the following support article:

    Checking your Syncing Status

    This article runs through how to check the sync status of both the overall application state and a specific Shift Record

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