Shift Planner FAQs

Common Shift Planner questions explained

How will I know that I've completed all the required fields?

After you complete the Access information section, a green tick will appear to confirm that all the fields are completed successfully.

Can I add multiple shifts with the same information on Shift Planner?

With Shift Planner, you can duplicate shifts as you might need them weekly for a project, which saves you valuable time on site. You can duplicate a shift and then change some fields or keep it as it is, it's fully customisable.

Simply click on the "Copy" icon at the end of the shift line to duplicate a line multiple times and then adjust it for different people.

To find out more, please refer to the following help article...

Shift Planner 'Add From' Function

Learn how to copy down your Shift Information from one Shift Record to another to make pre-populating your site data an even more efficient process.

Can I delete a line that I've accidentally created?

If you've accidentally created a new line or you just want to delete a line when adding shift data, you can simply press the "Bin" icon on the right-hand side of the line.

Then you will get a modal to confirm that you want this line to be deleted by clicking "YES, DELETE". 

I can't see the dropdown options I want on Shift Planner, can I add data in the dropdown menus?

Within Shift Planner, you can edit your dropdown options for project fields and add new ones. To edit the project fields, click on "EDIT PROJECT FIELDS" at the bottom left of the screen.

There, you can add new dropdown options to appear in Shift Information, Resource Information and Works Information or edit existing ones.

Why do I receive error messages when filling out Shift Planner and what do they mean?

When planning a Shift Record in Shift Planner, you might get an error message which will not let you move to the next step until you fix it.

The error message will be highlighted in colour, followed by a short error message which indicates where the issue is.

What User types can access the Shift Planner?

In order for a User to access Shift Planner, they need to be assigned to the project they want to use Shift Planner in order to pre-populate shifts.

The User needs to also have User permissions of Office Staff and above (Project Administrator and Workspace Administrator) to be able to view and use Shift Planner.

The office user is able to view and access the shift planner section of Gather, along with creating shifts.

The project Administrator can both view and access the shift planner, create shifts and edit data sources in shift planner.

The workspace Administrator can do the same, but only with projects they are assigned to. To find out more about the User Permissions, please read this article...

User Permissions

Find out about our different user permissions

Can I view Shift Planner on the Mobile App?

No, Shift Planner is only available on the Web App.

How many Shift Records can I create in Shift Planner?

The limit of lines you can add or duplicate when prepopulating your shifts using Shift Planner is 100.

Will my Assignee be notified a Shift Record has been Planned? 

Once a shift has been uploaded an email is sent to the Assignee to notify them. To find out more about these emails, please read this article...

Managing Email Notifications

Learn how to manage your email notification preferences within the Gather platform.


Shift Planner Overview

Entering data in Shift Planner 

Shift Planner ‘Add From’ Function

Shift Planner FAQs ⬅️ You are here 

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