Key Metrics

Calculated report outputs

This article explores the key metrics and KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) used within Gather Platform reports, allowing you to interpret reports and gain valuable insights.

Shift Scores

Throughout Gather reports, you'll encounter three types of Shift Scores:

  • Shift Access Score: Compares planned vs. actual working time durations, highlighting discrepancies.

  • Shift Productivity Score (Shift Score): Assesses a shift's success by comparing actual work completed against planned work.

  • Shift Efficiency Score: Combines Shift Productivity and Access Scores, providing a holistic view of shift efficiency.

    Shift Scores

    Understanding Shift Scores in Gather Platform Reports

Lost Working Time

Lost Working Time, relevant for projects using the Access feature, measures the difference between planned and actual working times.

Lost Working Time and Lost Time

Understanding Lost Working Time vs. Lost Time in Gather Platform.

Non-Productive Hours

Non-productive hours represent the time within a shift that wasn't allocated to an activity or break. It's calculated by comparing allocated activity and break hours to the total shift duration.

  • For instance, if a 7-hour shift included 2 hours lost to bad weather, 4 hours allocated to activities, and a default 1-hour break, the remaining 2 hours would be classified as Non-Productive Time. A "Reason for Variance" comment is required in the Shift Record for such instances.

  • You can find Non-Productive Time in the Hours Allocation section while filling out shift records and viewing it within your Shift Reports.

People Count, Plant Count, and Activity Count

These KPIs simply represent the total amount of People, Plant, or Activities used within a shift, offering insights into resource usage and potential cost estimations.

Close Calls Raised

This metric indicates the number of Close Calls reported during a shift, aiding in health and safety compliance by tracking incidents that raise safety concerns.

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