Site Documents FAQs

This article includes all Frequently Asked Questions about Site Documents.

What file formats can I upload?

The file formats that are accepted are: PDF, JPG, JPEG, PNG, DOC, DOCX, XLSX, CSV, TXT 

Please note only PDF files can be made signable.

Can I update different versions of a document?

This can be achieved by deleting or archiving and uploading the new version.

Is there a maximum file upload?

We have capped the document file upload size to 10 MB. This is so that it is more manageable for the teams on site to download to their devices.

I've uploaded a document but can't see it on the Mobile App

First, check you have an internet connection. If you do and you still can’t see the documents, you may need to wait a few minutes for the document to sync. You can find out more about syncing on the Mobile App here - App Connection and Syncing Status.

If you are still having problems, get in touch with the support team by submitting a request in the top right of this page.

Can you recover deleted documents?

No, unfortunately, we are unable to recover deleted documents.

Who can upload, edit and delete Site Documents?  

If you are an Office User, Project Administrator or Workspace Administrator, you will have access to the Project Documents tab and will be able to upload, edit and remove documents. However, if a document has been signed you can only archive the document. Find out more about our User Permissions in this article - User Permissions

Why can't I delete a document? 

If signatures have been added to a document then you won't be able to delete the file. If you want to remove a Project Document from future Shift Records you can instead archive the file meaning it will not be removed from the shifts it is currently on but will not appear on any new shifts. If you still need to remove the document you can contact our support team.

Why can't I make my document signable?

The only document file type which can be signed is PDF. Check you have uploaded your document in PDF format. If you are still getting this error, please contact our support team.

Why can't I preview a document?

Only PDF files can be previewed on the Web App. All other documents will need to be downloaded to your computer to preview.

Why aren't there any documents attached to my Shift Record?

If you can’t see any documents attached to your Shift Record, it is likely because no one has uploaded any to that Project or Shift Record. Speak to your team to ensure they have uploaded the document correctly.

Can multiple Users sign a document?

Multiple people can sign a document using the same device, or across multiple devices with access to the same Shift Record.

Can I share my Site Documents with the rest of my team?

Site Documents appear in your Shift Reports which you can also download and share with your team via a generated link. There will be an option next to the report to share it and send the link to the rest of your team. Find out more about how to do this here - How to view and share Site Documents

Can I see Project Documents that have been archived?

All archived Project Documents will have been signed on Shift Records. This means they are visible on all Shift Records they were signed on. They are also available on all reports that pull through Site Documents.

Can I view Project Documents on the Mobile App?

Project Documents can be viewed in Shift Records alongside the Shift Record documents.

Can I delete a document from the Mobile App?

Site Documents cannot be deleted from the platform using the Mobile App. You can, however, remove a copy of that Site Document from local device storage - freeing up device storage space.

Why can't I see documents on the Mobile App?

Shift Record Documents are uploaded to specific Shift Records. If you did not create the Shift Record, or you are not assigned to it, you will not be able to see the document uploaded to it. If you cannot see a Project Document, you may need to speak to your team to ensure the document has been uploaded to the correct place.

Can I sign a document on the Mobile App?

Yes, PDF Site Documents only can be signed on the Mobile App.

Can I view Shift Record Documents when offline?

You must download Site Documents first to view them offline. We recommend downloading all relevant Site Documents for a Shift before going on Site.

How can I sign a document if I am not with the person assigned to the Shift?

As long as you have an account with us and the User Permissions of Office Staff, Project Administrator or Workspace Administrator, you can still sign Site Documents. Sign in to our Web App on your browser using your computer or a mobile device, and you can see all Shift Records on a Project. You can then access the Shift Record and sign the document by following the steps outlined in How to sign documents on Site.

How can I view all of the signatures attached to a particular Site Document in one download?

To view every signature attached to a particular Site Document, go to a Shift Record that you know the document is assigned to. From here, click on the 'View Documents' button to the top right of the screen. Next, click on the three dots to the right of the Shift Record document and choose to 'Download Signed'. You will now have a downloaded copy of the Site Document with all the signatures for that document at the bottom.


Site Documents Overview

How to upload, edit and delete Site Documents 

How to sign documents on Site 

How to view and share Site Documents

How to view signatures on Site Documents

Site Documents FAQ ⬅️ You are here

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