Site Documents Overview

An overview of our Site Documents feature

Gather allows you to attach key documents to your Shift Record for easy access on-site.

Site Documents can be uploaded and attached on a Project-Wide level or at a Shift Record level and are available to view on our Mobile App and Web App.

These can then be set to 'Info Only' or 'To Be Signed'.

Project Documents and Shift Record Documents

Site documents can be broken down into two different types:

  1. Project Documents - these are uploaded to a whole Project and can be accessed on all Shift Records within that Project. 

  2. Shift Record Documents - these are uploaded to individual Shift Records and can only be accessed on that Shift Record.

These can be uploaded, edited and deleted by following the steps in this article - How to upload, edit and delete Site Documents.

Signable Documents

You can sign Site Documents if they are uploaded as a PDF. Follow this article to find out how you can sign a signable document - How to sign documents on Site.

When a User signs a Site Document they must also enter their name, and competency number and agree to the following disclaimer:

By signing, I confirm that I have read and understood the document named (Your document's name).pdf. I agree that the information I have provided above together with my location and time/date will be used as an electronic representation of my signature.

Users can then sign the document on their Native Mobile App or the Web App. This can be viewed by following the steps in this article - How to view and share Site Documents

To learn how to view signatures attached to certain Site Documents, refer to our additional Help Article here:

How to view signatures on Site Documents

This article walks you through how to view signatures on your Site Documents

info icon
Documents are always available with a valid internet connection or can be downloaded before going to an area with no internet connection to be viewed on-site. To learn more, follow this link - How to sign documents on Site


Site Documents Overview ⬅️ You are here

How to upload, edit and delete Site Documents 

How to sign documents on Site 

How to view and share Site Documents 

How to view signatures on Site Documents 

Site Documents FAQ

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