Overview of Fatigue Management

Managing Fatigue Risk on Construction Projects

Gather's Fatigue Management features empower construction teams to proactively manage worker Fatigue.

With a unique configuration for Resource- Only suppliers, Gather allows you to easily capture and analyse Fatigue data to ensure compliance with Network Rail's Fatigue Risk Management Standard (NR/L2/OHS/003).

Important Note: Enabling the following Fatigue features requires contacting Gather's Support Team or your Account Manager.

How do we capture Fatigue data?

  • Shift Planner: Proactive planning is crucial for compliance. The Shift Planner tool plays a vital role in this process by allowing you to allocate Resources to shifts in advance and identify high-risk or fatigued personnel during the planning process.

  • Shift Records: Pre-populated Shift Records are completed on-site to capture Actual working hours, along with Reasons for Variance. This information is used to generate Risk Scores and notify team members to complete Risk Assessments.

Using Shift Planner for Fatigue Management

Proactive Fatigue Risk Management with Shift Planner

How do we use Fatigue data?

Email notifications and Summary Reports

  • Daily Fatigue email: Upon enabling Fatigue, you can choose to receive daily email notifications alerting you of any Fatigue Exceedances in the last or next 7 days for all Projects that you have access to.

Managing Email Notifications

Learn how to manage your email notification preferences within the Gather platform.

  • 'Fatigue Risk Assessment' Summary Report: In the 'Summary Reports' section you will have access to a 'Fatigue Risk Assessment' report. This report includes information such as the names of people who have been Risk Assessed, the reason for Risk Assessment and their Fatigue Score.

General Reports

Gain insights from shift narratives, track performance metrics, and ensure all project information is captured.

  • 'People Detail' Summary Report: In the 'Summary Reports' section you will have access to a 'People Detail' report. This report include important information relation to Fatigue such as Resource start and End Times, and Planned vs Actual working hours.

Resource Reports

Gain insights into labour, plant, material usage, and streamline processes for better project delivery and cost control.

Key Insight dashboards

Along with having access to several key Summary Reports, we can also enable Key Insight dashboards for the purpose monitoring Fatigue. Our standard Fatigue dashboard covers the following:

  • Daily Risk Alert: Covers risks flagged today, and is filterable by Risk Type and Time Period.

  • Risk Analysis: Covers weekly Fatigue Score, along with Hours Worked, Shift Count, maximum Fatigue Score and maximum Total Hours.

  • Exceedance Record: Covers Historical Exceedances by period.

  • Hours Analysis: Covers Monthly Project Hours.

  • Resource Forecast: Covers hours by month, along with weekly Resource Allocation.

  • Data Hygiene: Covers Potential Data Issues, sorting them by type and month.

  • Compliance: Covers number of Records per Project, Records per Week and Records by their Shift Record Status.

Key Insights for Fatigue Management

Rroactively identify and manage fatigue risk within your workforce

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is Fatigue Management in Gather?
    Gather's Fatigue Management helps construction teams manage worker fatigue by capturing and analyzing data to comply with Network Rail's standards.

  • How does the Shift Planner help manage fatigue risk?
    The Shift Planner allows teams to allocate resources and identify fatigued personnel in advance.

  • What reports are available for fatigue data?
    Key reports include the Fatigue Risk Assessment and People Detail reports.

  • Can I receive fatigue-related notifications?
    Yes, you can enable daily email notifications for fatigue exceedances.

  • What dashboards are available for fatigue analysis?
    Gather offers dashboards covering risk alerts, fatigue scores, and hours worked.


Overview of Fatigue Management ⬅️ You are here 

Resource Only Configuration Overview

Using Shift Planner for Fatigue Management

Fatigue Risk index Explained

Fatigue Management FAQs

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