Shift Record Overview

Understand the key steps to complete a Shift Record

There are multiple steps that you need to complete to submit your Shift Record successfully.

The steps are:

To submit a Shift Record, you must fill out all the required fields, which are marked with an asterisk (*). Once you have provided all the necessary information, the small dots located at the bottom of the screen will turn from red to green.

If any of the dots remain red, it highlights that some essential information is missing.

After submitting your Shift Records, you can access them through various reports, including individual Shift Reports, Summary Reports and real-time Key Insights dashboards.

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Top Tip: Shift Planner allows you to plan and pre-populate Shift Records in advance with all your known information. Planning shifts in advance gives you a better understanding of planned vs actual productivity. Identifying and mitigating issues as they arise whilst capturing best practices and high-performing teams.


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